Why I don’t need to see you F2F to get your style sorted!

When you think about seeing a personal stylist, it might conjure up images of being out shopping together or editing your wardrobe after a quick chat in your kitchen, but I have found that this is not the most advantageous starting point.

It’s costly, inefficient and doesn’t allow the time to really understand someone holistically and get long-term results.

I’ve found working virtually in the beginning really works! It gives more time & attention to the client by allowing us both to delve deeper and not just put a plaster on the presenting wardrobe or confidence crisis!

Starting all my consultations from a distance, can be confusing for folk. Perhaps you’re questioning how on earth I can possibly get to know you or assess your physical appearance without seeing you in person?

This process goes further than traditional approaches; it leads women through a series of stages towards the end goal of feeling great about their style & being able to dress their body easily and joyfully for the rest of their lives.

Here is why I believe my method is a great way to start.


1.    I use my focussed questionnaire.

If you’ve ever done a personality test online, or had a virtual photoshoot, you’ll know that these scenarios are very effective. 

I have developed a questionnaire as the starting place, designed to get to the root of whatever you’re struggling with right now, both in your mindset and with your styling. This gives my clients an opportunity to really take stock of where they are at, how they feel and who they are.

It is also the basis for reflecting on your life-style, history, influences and physical characteristics, with specific questions designed to share information with me that brings it all together so I can understand your whole essence and get to know you - essential for helping you find joy in your image! 

The time spent on this, both by my clients and myself, is much more than could be offered within a face to face session and is of far greater value.



2.   I asses you by using specific photos.

I request a selection of photos which help me to build a picture alongside your questionnaire, so I can see your colouring, bone structure, body lines, facial features, hands, feet, height, hair and everything in-between!

The process I use is based on the facts our bodies present to us. It’s all right there under our noses!

Well, under your nose, which brings me to the point:

It’s not under my nose for long if I come over, trawl through clothes, have a cuppa and disappear again. I must assess physical characteristics thoroughly so I can build a picture.

By seeing the right photos, I can take the time needed to assess you & then combine these with your questionnaire to start your personalised unique style profile.

This process is about getting you life-long solutions, and for these results we must always work holistically.

 My method gives you time to reflect and express yourself & your needs, as well as giving me time to absorb your words, assess your physicality, envision the long-term & see the deeper feelings.


3.   I utilise tech!

Finally, it makes sense to utilise technology when the virtual options are so good these days. It’s efficient, thorough & focussed, and gets quicker, better results. The ability to share visuals and communicate remotely is also a massive advantage for those who are nervous, time poor or live a distance away. Oh, and also it costs less - win!

I hope that answers any questions you may have regarding my virtual methods. Getting to know you is my top priority and it’s where the magic lies. Start with ‘you’ as the fundamental concept of your appearance and you’ll start to see yourself shine!

If you’d like more, here are 3 ways I can help you


Not The Mother of the Bride!


Why I don’t offer traditional colour consultations